Sunday, February 24, 2008

Bounteous are the blessings of meditation

In our materialistic society, while making progress in the worldly pursuits, man has completely forgotten the other aspect i.e. his own real Self. He is oblivious about the real aim of his life to reach the main path-divine. He is not aware of who he is; from where he has come and where he is to go. He is not living within himself but is always busy thinking about others and thus he is deviated from his real path-divine . When one is drifted away from himself, he gets astrayed in the many winding dirty narrow lanes where foul smell of ego, jealousy etc. makes the atmosphere nauseating indeed.

Human Birth is the cream of creation. But, what a pity! Man is wasting away his precious life in the mad race of accumulation of material amenities and thus falls prey to pangs of miseries. No doubt, one can get comforts from the Luxuries of life but one can not get peace; the divine bliss which is the sumum Bonum of this life and then the very purpose of our existence is refuted. There will be no difference between human being and other vicious forms. God has bestowed upon man this precious human birth to attain the highest state of Self- Realization, to attain communion with God which is the only source of Divine Bliss and which is possible only through ‘Meditation.’

Meditation for Satisfaction

  • Meditation cannot be marketed, it is given free, t is not a business. A Spiritual Master never indulges in commercialization of meditation.
  • Meditation is the only religion of all human beings.
  • Meditation is that arrow which moves in directions, introvert as well as extrovert (Just as the electricity can cool as well as heat up).
  • Meditation is not a subject of doing. It is a process of being and realizing.
  • All paths leading to God start from outside. Meditation alone starts from inside.
  • Meditation is the direct relation with the total existence-with the Almighty.
  • Meditation is Super Science. All other sciences have emanated from meditation.
  • Meditation is an indispensable mean required on the path of life
  • Meditation neither has a substitute nor a parallel
  • Meditation is transformation-A personal (inner) revolution.
  • Meditation is the nectar-the essence of all religions
  • Meditation can not be taught, it is imparted Meditation gives deeper insight-It shows that the rose and the thorn are but one in their Origin beneath the earth.
  • Meditation alone preaches us the ‘Art of Living’
  • Chanting, fasting, panance and yajna are empty without meditation.
  • Meditation will take you beyond pleasure and pain and provide eternal Bliss.

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